Like the Apostle Paul, we plan and prepare and go and then return again and again, where we are invited and needed. Like the Apostle Paul, we’ve gone from one place to another and developed many friendships and partnerships. In the twenty-five years that we’ve been on this journey, we’ve consulted with many different dignitaries and leaders, including a national president, foreign ambassadors, top religious leaders, royalty, politicians, business leaders, and the presidents, administrators, and faculty at universities.
Most important are the younger leaders with whom we partner, younger "leaders of leaders" in church and business. An important part of Chrysalis Ministries began in 1997 when Chrysalis held its first Institute in Dana Point, California, USA with eleven people from Eastern Europe. Thus began “The International Chrysalis Institutes”, the ICI’s, and after ten years, these Institutes are now mostly self-supporting, with a little help for scholarships. These highly interactive and unique gatherings are different in that Participants return again and again, taking part in a four-year curriculum developed solely for the Institutes. The pictures tell a small part of the story – it is impossible to tell it all.
John and Carol Dettoni travel each year to minister in Europe and South East Asia; John teaches twice each year at a Bible School in Port au Prince, Haiti.