So, you may ask: "What is Chrysalis Ministries?"
The Chrysalis Ministries Mission Statement says it well:
Chrysalis Ministries, Inc. Exists To Equip, Empower, and Encourage Existing and Emerging Christian leaders and teachers, throughout the rapidly changing world, to become more effective in their various God-given ministries.
This mission is accomplished by teaching, mentoring, consulting, speaking, writing and producing the appropriate materials.
This says it all!
And every situation is different.
But one thing remains the same: Our God is great! And He has allowed Chrysalis Ministries--John and Carol Dettoni--to share with some pretty amazing young leaders throughout several parts of the world (Eastern and Central Europe, the Balkans, parts of Southeast Asia (the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, East Malaysia), Haiti, and a few other places. The deep and growing relationships have been built because we all belong to Jesus Christ, are pretty incredible, and we value them. So whatever Chrysalis is or has been, To God be the Glory, great things He has done! We anticipate what He will continue to do through many younger . . . and aging! . . . leaders!
So friends, please feel free to contact us if you would like to share on this Blog. We want to learn from each other, although we're spread across many miles!
Please check back frequently, since we want to make this a helpful place to share about "Leadership that is Christian."